Struggling as A Christian

There are different reasons why we struggle as a Christian.

Perhaps it’s a specific tragic event that caused a breach of faith that you associate with God. Maybe it’s a culmination of losses over time that you associate with your faith, with God, with the church, or tenets of your faith.

Or perhaps you are having trouble having a true and deep relationship with God, because of loss of trust issues. No matter the reason, we’ll review what has happened and take steps to move forward.

How do we move forward?

I think one of the biggest challenges that we as the church experience is how to move from knowing God’s word and God’s love from an intellectual standpoint and getting it to the heart.

What do you mean by that, Ann?

What I mean is that whether you come into the church as a new believer or are rededicating after being away, as the church we are so excited to pour into our members that we need to first clear out some space for people to receive all God has for them.

I came back and rededicated my life, but I was full of painful life experiences.

While I heard all the great things about God and who I am in Christ, the space wasn’t in my heart to receive all He had for me, because I had so much unresolved grief and pain.

I began to feel that something was wrong with me, because I acted to those around me like I was having transformation – but I was really hiding the fact that I was still hurting.

Because deep down I was still hurting; and I thought if anyone knew, then they would see the flawed relationship I had with God. I knew intellectually my sins were forgiven and that I had the power of God inside me, but something was missing.

Then I realized…

… there was so much hurt and pain buried deep inside me that the scripture was like putting a band-aide over a deep wound that was still seeping.

I kept my heart so guarded that I couldn’t truly receive what God had for me. I was still so full of pain (yet, I knew to say all the right things) that when I tried to receive the word of God, it got diluted in my heart by the pain of my life experiences.

Grief Recovery changed everything.

There were some losses I experienced that I didn’t have words for. But as I walked out my grief recovery journey, identified the losses, used the tools, and took the action steps, something beautiful happened.

I was clearing out space in my heart for God to truly come and dwell where I could receive all that He had for me.

It was the process of walking through the pain that allowed me to become who I am today and truly experience change from the inside out – a term I had heard so many times but didn’t truly understand.

It was like cleaning out an infected wound, so it could truly heal.

We have too many broken-hearted Christians walking around…

Discouraged, in pain, and in some cases leaving the church.

I now know that for so many, once you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, clearing a space in your heart is a crucial next step to be able to receive all that is yours.

All that Jesus did on the cross for you!

If you are struggling as a Christian Grief Recovery can be a great next step for you.

A great next step to receive all God has for you.

We will work together to identify painful emotional losses you have experienced, how you may be protecting your heart, and take specific actions to complete what was left emotionally unfinished for you.

You will be given tools to use to become emotionally complete with God and with any of the people, events, or institutions that may have contributed to your faith struggle.

Struggling with your faith does not mean you don’t have enough faith.

There is no judgment here for this topic. Simply saying or thinking we need more faith is an intellectual statement for an issue of the heart.

Let me help you find the key to your heart where we will unlock and release the pain in a safe place to get to the root of what is causing your faith struggle. We will then get you prepared to receive all God has for you.

Call for a free consultation: (469) 706-0993.

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Grief Recovery eBook

Are you suffering from a broken heart? Do you feel like everyone else has is together so why can’t I? If
that’s the case there is a very good chance you are grieving an unresolved loss in your life. Download this
eBook to find out about loss (even the ones you may not realize you have) and begin the emotional
healing journey that will change your life.

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